An unnamed author is reported to have said, "In essentials, let there be unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things charity"(as quoted by B.H.Roberts in Conference Report, October 1912, 30). In other words, in the things that really matter-- our covenants, the commandments, and following the prophet-- we need to be completely united. In the non-essentials, we have our agency to handle things as we see fit. But in all things, regardless of whether we make the same choices or not, we are to treat each other with dignity and respect, both of which are evidences of charity in our hearts and lives.
I have mentioned this book before but I am gradually reading the Sheri Dew book, "If Life were Easy it wouldn't be Hard" . I have picked it up again and found this part profound. I love this book.
I just wonder what we must think about our self that would give us the right to talk about another person. Who are we to say that if we were in their shoes, with the complete history behind it and not the current history we carry, that we would handle any situation differently.
For example, if you are married and things are not going so great in your relationship, would you or would you not try to make things better. So, if your husband has a hobby that he loves, would you try to participate in the hobby if that meant that he would see you are trying to make him happy and do what he loves so you have more time with him. For Paul, it would be golf. He LOVES to play golf. Although he does not have time for it much now, I know that it would make him very happy for me to go hit some balls with him instead of sitting at home complaining because we do not have time together and he wants to leave to do something he enjoys.
Why would someone judge me for that? Why would anyone think I should not find a way to spend more time with my husband. I am only using this as an example and I am referring to others.
I love Paul and am lucky to have such a loving husband who would do anything for me. We do spend all of our available time together and I am lucky for that. Although others have choose to say really mean and hurtful things about Paul and I, our relationship and things that are none of there business, we have an awesome and very loving relationship. If anyone has a problem with that they really have their own problem. Get off my back and go work on your own issues!!!
I am having some stress issues these days and venting a bit but sometimes we just need to get things out.
Glad you got that off your chest. I loe you and Paul and wouldnt trade ya'll for the world. Who doesnt have issues? Heaven knows I do. Hey I sat in a stupid tree stand twice last hunting season for Kevin!
Good point. That's why sometimes you'll find me hanging out with Mike as he's making the chicken coop or working on the truck. Not really doing anything, but at least we're together. Have a good one.
ps we talked to JJ about his behavior this a.m.
sometimes you have to just realize that it is not even about you said people have their own issues...don't take it personally, just do the best YOU can everyday and don't let the turkeys get you down.
Thanks to the anonymous comment that I will NOT be posting. I know who you are and do not care to encourage the drama. Thanks for your note and I totally get what you are saying. Thanks also for the nice words about Paul and I. Just remember, sometimes not saying anything effects people more then words.
I agree Alona! When you love someone you want to be with them! If that means hanging out on a golf course or just sitting on the sofa watching fotball - you're still with the one you love. Love is about being "selfless." Bottom line though - we don't have the authority to judge anyone. You just keep doing what you're doing -stick with the one you love!!
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