Wednesday, May 21, 2008

They say I am addicted...

So, the word has finally made its way back to me. I was told last night that I am addicted to having murder mystery parties. LOL Hum..... I am seriously wondering if this is how everyone feels.
I have had a few, that is for sure. It is not really this type of party that I would be addicted to. I think it is more that I just LOVE having people over. I love getting friends together. We have our girls nights, and we have to have something for the men to be involved in too. My sweet husband loves cooking for my girls nights but loves even more cooking for the parties that he is invited to. So instead of just having friends over to sit around, talk and eat (not that there is anything wrong with that. We have fun with that too) this gives us something fun to do WHILE we are talking, eating and hanging out with everyone. I have seen the people who are so quite and shy....out talking to everyone, laughing and having a great time.
So, I guess Kristi and Mike would know more then anyone else because they have been to most of my parties. Kristi am I addicted? should I stop?
Some of our parties were much more fun then others. Besides the weather, there are two reasons for that. 1. The more people who come to the parties, the more fun they will be. 2. we have had different types of mysteries and the parties have come from different companies each time. Therefore, some of them are just written better and just better types or parties. Even the weather did not keep anyone from having fun. We all just staied close and by the fire.
I guess anytime you have any kind of party more then once, some will be better then others.
Our main goal is to get friends over, relax, laugh, eat, laugh some more, eat some more and do something fun. As long as we are achieving those things, I think we will continue having the parties. We are trying to invite more people and get more people involved. You know, extending our friendship circle.
What is it that they say......Making new friends but keeping the old.....some are silver and some are gold.
Anyway, that comment last night kinda caught me off guard. Was not sure how to take it. So I thought, " I guess I will BLOG ABOUT IT" lol I would not say I was offended or anything, just surprised. I told this person last night, I guess I will keep having them until no one wants to come anymore. That is when I will know to stop having them.
SO PARTY AT MY HOUSE JUNE 14th. Everyone invited but I HAVE TO KNOW WHO IS COMING so RSVP. It is a Wild West theme so easy to dress up for.


scchesleys said...

I love the mystery parties although I never figure out who the murderer is. The one last time where we could kill off people during the party was a hoot! I love them and I'm pretty sure we'll be attending so that's my RSVP.

Cheri said...

I'm impressed that you throw them. We are boring and never take the time to throw them. I think it's great!!! A party is a party no matter if it's a murder mystery or a halloween party or just a party to play games. I think that you are way cool and wish we were there to come! What fun times.