Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What is in a name?

I called my mom today. While chatting we got on the topic of past memories. She was telling me some things about her childhood, and leading up to meeting my dad. We then spoke for a while about my dad. How he was. Things he did. How he looked and acted. She reminded me that I look verymuch like my dad. For me, I love to hear these stories. I was very young (almost 4) when my father was killed in a coppermine cavein. When I talk with mom and she tells me about my dad's personality and traits, I am very much like he was. We both have that quite and very loving personality. Good listeners and very understanding. We both love hugs and touching. We both were shy but when on a comfortable topic, we love to talk, show, and or explain all we know about it. Love to share things with others that we are very comfortable with. Having these talks with my mom brings be closer to my mom but I also feel very close to my dad. I love and miss him very much and still think of him often.
While thinking of him, I often remember that I was named after him. His name is Lonnie Joe Titus. (meaning Noble and ready/ prompt) He was named after his father who's name meaning the same thing was Alonzo Titus. So between the two of them came my name Alona. My name with the Hebrew meaning of Oak (hum....maybe I am a tree. lol no no, we will say I am strong. Yeah lets go with that. lol) or the boy version of my name is Hawaiian meaning Excellant/ high mountian. Well I am tall like a mountian, was big like one too. I am just sticking with the Excellanet part of it.
I think names are very important. While naming a child, so much love and thought must go into giving that child a name. This name will be this child. This name will be what this child lives with and is known by. Some parents look in a book and just pick something. Others really give it a lot of thought and ponder for the full 9 months or more before they decide on a name.
As a child, I did not like my name. It was too original. No one pronounced it correctly and I was always embarrassed about having to correct people. As I got older, I learned to appreshaite my name. I have a name that is original and for that i stand out just a little. When someone calls my name I know they are calling me and not 20 other people. Think about it, how many people do you know named Alona? I hear this name now more then I ever did as a child. A few years ago, I had a girl scout troop with an Alanna, Alaina, and Elana. Then me as a leader. That was kinda cool for all of us. Now as an adult, I think my name is pretty and I think about how close it puts me to my dad. I have a brother who passed away from illness before I was born. His name was Lonnie Joe, JR. So, I am the only one now of 11 kids who was named after my dad. That is speacial to me. I even treasure giving my pets a name. That is why I decided to change the original name I had given my puppy. Remember I had introduced Tinkerbell to all of you a little while ago. Then after getting to know her, I felt the name Molly fit her better. She is a great dog but not a Tinkerbell. She is my Molly.
With my kids each one tells a story. I looked up the meaning of all of their names today. So, for Paul's kids I do not have their stories. I will have to get that from Paul sometime. Next is DJ. His full name is James Daniel Rollins III. His name means Supplanter. (huh? not sure what that means but whatever) This is the child that I agreed to let their father name. He had always wanted to continue the tradition, as he was James jr, he wanted a 3rd. Well, during my pregnancy I had the chance to meet James, Sr and decided that although they had the same name, I wanted my boy to be his own. I wanted him to be a different type of person and to not want to be like the 1st 2. So, we call him DJ. I know it should have been JD but since we do not live in Texas or Utah and we are not on a ranch, we will go with DJ
Now, we have Keely. When I was expecting her, there was a girl on tv and her name is Keely Shay Smith. I thought she was a pretty girl but most of all, I just fell in love with this name. It was original but not crazy. I just love the way it sounded and it just felt right for my baby girl. Origin:
Gaelic Meaning: Beautiful; handsome . Now learning the meaning of the name I totally agree.
Now my final creation Alyssa. Alyssa was almost Jessica. For me, knowing this would be the last one, I wanted something close to my name. We had a James and without having another Alona I wanted something close. I think Alyssa works well. Too well sometimes. When I have to complete school registration forms I am always starting to write Alyssa and ending up with Alona and visversa. Anyway, with the situation I was in while I carried her, she was my way of being selfish. Thanks for the donation James.
Gender: Girl Origin:
Germanic Meaning: Noble kind
This was interesting to me. I do not dwell much on the meaning of a name. I feel like when you have a name and carry it from birth to adulthood and further though life you give it your own meaning. The reason I was given my name means far more to me the what the dictionary tells me my name means. So, with that, what does your name mean?


Cheri said...

This was facinating. It's been fun learning more about you and who you are.
My real name is Cherlyn and it was not found. But my nickname is Cheri and it is a French name and means darling. It was popular between 1940-1975. This was fun thanks.

Anonymous said...

When we look for names the first thing we check the name meaning, it very important to us.

Connie said...

Cornelia...I was supposed to be a Michelle but my aunt talked my mother into Cornelia after a German actress in 1959. My middle name is Margarete for my aunt who wanted a daughter desperately and had 4 boys! I named my own child Michelle!

Anonymous said...

This is good! My name is Elizabeth Michelle (duh) Elizabeth means "oath of God" and Michelle means "like God" I may have to steal this and do my kids names! LOL

Alona said...

You should Michelle. Its fun to do and educational as well.
We's gurls in Lugoff neededs all of the edumacation that we's can gets.